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Careers at Marvelwood School

Marvelwood is a traditional boarding school with non-traditional approaches to college-preparatory learning. For us, teaching is personal. We know our students well, and we are skilled at intentionally directing (and sometimes redirecting) instruction that will connect with their unique skills and personalities. We have the flexibility to react to their needs, interests, and strengths in order to create exceptional learning experiences that empower and engage. This flexibility means that everyone in our community—from students to faculty to administration—can experience the freedom of thought and expression that brings meaning to everything we do.

At Marvelwood, full-time faculty members have evening and weekend residential responsibilities, which vary somewhat depending upon on-campus housing. All full-time faculty members coach or supervise in the athletic or extracurricular programs at a level consistent with their interests and abilities. The specific nature of these responsibilities is negotiated during the hiring process and in some cases as needs are determined at the start of the school year.

Marvelwood employs a small number of teaching faculty on a part-time basis. This responsibility includes classroom teaching only, and teachers are paid on a per-class basis.

Faculty salaries are competitive according to NAIS standards. Marvelwood offers excellent health, dental, and retirement benefits, including participation in TIAA-CREF. Generous funding is available to support advance degree work in the subject area, as well as participation in a wide variety of professional development opportunities, including conferences, workshops, and summer study.

Available Faculty + Staff Positions: